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Self-Directed Track

Montage of 10 images of different people who have contributed to Level Up content

Logo - Project Level Up with an arrow pointing upward, CATIE Center, St. Catherine University

Project Level Up has created a self-directed track that is open to anyone who wants to take their abilities to the next level related to interpreting in healthcare settings. You could be a certified or non certified interpreter, a working professional, or a lifelong learner, to name a few examples. These are the courses in development that you can tap in to raise your knowledge and skills.

2024 Schedule

This schedule is our best projection for when resources will be available.





Public Health Module January 1-31 The goal of the learning modules is to focus on different aspects of public health, including considerations for interpreters working as a team to meet the needs of varied and diverse patients. While the module only covers 16 topic areas, participants will have a better understanding of public health and the barriers the deaf community face to translate learning into their work and into other areas of their work.
Human Sexuality 1 Webshop January 1-31 Cultural competencies are essential when interpreting between people of varying cultures within human sexuality settings. It is important to recognize how cultural differences impact the interpreting needs. This webshop provides an overview of human sexuality and body autonomy. It also discusses ways people engage and connection in various types of relationships and the importance of understanding differing intimate experiences.
Audiology: A Deaf Perspective Webshop February 1-29 This webshop introduces you to fundamental background information about the general process of hearing, hearing-related appointments, and assistive technology you may be in contact with during these interactions. This webshop comes from the explanation and perspective of a Deaf Audiologist. This webshop also exposes you to information that might be necessary when working with Deaf professionals that support people with hearing differences. 
Employment’s Impact on Healthcare Outcomes Webshop March 1-31 Employment and health are inextricably linked. Employment and income have a directimpact on life expectancy, quality of life, and healthcare costs. Relatedly, medical healthhas a direct impact on employability. Employment can improve an individual’s physicaland mental well-being, while job loss can have a detrimental effect.
Healthcare Systems for Sign Language Interpreters Module April 1-30 Healthcare systems can be hard to access and navigate for patients, family members, and advocates. This 20 hour module provides sign language interpreters the foundational understanding of healthcare systems.
VRI in Healthcare settings Webshop April 1-30 Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) has become a standard method of service delivery in healthcare settings. This webshop offers you the chance to learn the basics of what is needed to be an interpreter in VRI healthcare settings.  It will discuss equipment needed, software platforms, as well as teaming techniques to improve deaf patient’s experience in healthcare settings.
Spoken Language and Sign Language Interpreting in Healthcare Settings Webshop May 1-31 Despite the enormous similarities in our work, sign language and spoken language interpreters often have minimal professional interaction with each other. While co-teaming is more common in some settings, such as medical environments, opportunities for spoken language interpreters and sign language interpreters to team together can be rare. When they arise, both interpreters may be unfamiliar with the co-interpreting process and expectations of the other. This webshop provides an overview of the co-interpreting process, professional norms, and some considerations regarding power and privilege that ASL interpreters should be aware of, particularly those of us who are white and/or have privilege related to citizenship status or being L1 English users.
Human Sexuality 2 Webshop June 1-30 In a world marked by diversity and individuality, understanding sexual identity, types of attractions, and relationships has become more crucial than ever. Our workshop, designed to be an enlightening exploration of these vital topics, invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empathy. By the end of the workshop, participants will have developed a deeper appreciation for the diversity of sexual identities, attractions, and relationships, as well as the skills and knowledge necessary to foster inclusivity and empathy in their interactions with others.
Introduction to Pharmacology and Medical Terminology Module June 1-30 The ability to describe varying kinds of medications as well as human anatomy are foundational skills for ASL/English interpreters to work effectively in healthcare settings. This module is an introduction to pharmacology and how medications impact the body. It also addresses terminology origins, medical roots, suffixes, and prefixes, and  applies those terms to the body systems which they affect. Medication dosing will provide interpreters with a working knowledge of medications used in medical settings and how to accurately relay medication information, e.g., medication dosing, dosing intervals, duration, tapering and side effects.
Health Inequities within the Deaf, Deafblind, and Hard of Hearing communities Module July 1-31 The following modules provide an introduction to health inequities within the deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing (D/DB/HH) communities through an intersectional framework. The module examines various contributors to health inequities, including racial disparities in health and health care and the impact of COVID-19. It explains ways to promote health equity through community-driven actions, including the role of sign language interpreters.
Centering Deaf Professionals in Healthcare settings Webshop July 1-31 This webshop explores the complicated and nuanced work of working as a designated/preferred interpreter for Deaf Professionals within healthcare settings. This work will be examined through two frameworks: bioethics and empowerment of practice professionals. This webshop is recommended for interpreters who are considering starting working in healthcare settings with Deaf Professionals.




Modules are interactive online classes. Participants are expected to invest about 20 hours of work over five weeks for each module. There are no required meeting times, but we’ve designed the content for weekly work. All work must be completed by the ending date of the module.


These self-directed webshops are interactive mini online classes. They require about 1.5 hours of time. Mini-lectures throughout the webshops are presented in ASL. English captions are available if needed.

Montage of 11 people who contributed to Level Up content